Rorschach Test

rorschachA psychiatrist is administering a Rorschach test to a patient.  “Tell me what you see,” directs the doctor, showing him the first inkblot.  “Wow! A naked woman!  She’s blonde and gorgeous!” answers the patient.  The psychiatrist holds up another card, “And this one?”  The patient grins, “Another naked woman!  This one’s a redhead.”  The doctor holds up a third inkblot.  “What do you see now?” he asks.  “A couple making passionate love!” the patient answers.  “And how about this one?” asks the psychiatrist.  “My gosh!” the patient exclaims, “It’s an orgy!”  The doctor puts down the Rorschach cards and begins to write notes.  “You are obviously sexually obsessed,” the psychiatrist comments.  “Me?” replies the patient.  “What about you?  Showing me all those dirty pictures!”



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